January 2, 2009

Appeal: An artist and his dog

"hi, my name is Ben, a full time artist. i am at a desperate end and seeking possible ways to save my dog with very little time left.

history: i took in the mongrel dog on the street, out of pity..the poor stray fate she is in at that time, i found her nearby my art studio by chance when i was walking, following me. i don't have regular income but to share my food with my dog all the while or getting cheap dry food which i put aside $30 a month for the food, which is abit tight for me but im still can pull through. life is not really easy for artist financially which is a fact, but i live with my passion in heart and i belive my work will pay off in long run, a belief with my love forart.

all the while i also did my part to try rehome her...as she will need a better owner that have a normal income,mean a very basic normal working class will still win an artist myself constantly living in insecurity. but frankly no one wana take in mongrel as pet and so i got to keep it as i still got a studio to hold it.

at the period is still ok as everything is still manageable for me with just supporting the dog food which monthly round up is just ok. Then 5-6 years had passed, till in 2007 (property boom period) the landlord demand me and others to leave as he is selling the place when lease expired. this situation happen so suddenly and i really hope it won't bring to spca as it will surely won't able to survive, and put to sleep. and at that time, i found mutts and mittens (at pasi ris farmway) which i put her in long term boarding which i know it be very hard for me to handle even at a discounted rates of $260+ per month, as $30 a month previously i already need to livespend carefully.

i thanks God that im able to pay off the first few months and after then, i owe 5 months which is very hard for me which i need to cancel the boarding today Dec 30 and take my dog away as the boarding fee debts will sum up more and more as months passed by, and i know it be impossible for me to pay off the fees.

And i still owe ten thousand plus dollars debts with a friend on my expenses at present. a friend told me why no just put her there and no bothered the boarding fees but i couldn;t do it as this is very bad and not good impression to others,cos i know i am unable to pay the monthly boarding fees at all.

if u can read me, i am now in a very stress state and i know if nothing workout,i will have to bring her to spca this week. today i brought her back to my parents hdb place and they werer so angry and after lots pleading with my parents, i can only keep her 2 nites in the flat balcony locked and don;tcare whatever i say, go send to spca on this coming thursday if i got no options. i also ask myslef why did i pick her up...but it do look in a pityful poorstate and can;t shut my eyes off,and i then got myself in a pityful financial debts state..i blame myself my dog got a wrong owner that can't support her as an artist.

a fate for us to meet but i can't keep her well as i don;t even have my own place to keep it. hope you understand what i said above is not win your pity on my state, i understand many mongrels are out there and daily many of them are put to sleep by spca.

i just want to know if you got space to put my dog, i will begrateful or suggest me a way out. i will be willing at least to pay $50 amonth to help the dog food for the keeper within my ability as i am not finding a easy way too.

i feel i have no way out now with only till up this thursday. please contac me asap when u read my email,and advise me. i really feel very bad...as i pray i could do my art and also still enable her to survive in avery basic way but sadly i can;t even afford to. my mobile is 90612076 please call me if can assist me. many thanks blessings, Ben"

Quoted from:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm.. maybe i am a a reality person, i do not believe that the writer has home the dog at the boarding. As he said, he doesnt have a steady income, he has 10 thousand debts, it just doesnt make sense to home a dog at his expense. Maybe i choose not to believe there is a kind soul out there...