January 6, 2009

Balance on the mend

We just visited Balance at the foster's. Delight is ours to see that the wound at the crook of his hind leg has improved. Much better than you see in the pictures below, for now, his wound looks like a rough, dry scab. Plus, he's walking more steadily, albeit gingerly.

Out of the cage now and freed from the e-collar, he spars with other resident cats with his white sock of a paw. You'll be surprised that even though there's a slight limp to it, he is able to jump many times his height on the window ledge, scurry under cages and tables -- all the time exuding adolescent curiosity and inborn confidence. This is Balance. On the mend.

Balance held by his ex-feeder during a visit. Right watery eye, but this is ok now.

November 08: Lumpy moist wound when the vet peeled off his bandage.

2 weeks ago. Scab is better but looks peelable if he's not careful or licks his wound roughly

All thanks to the caregiver. What unconditional, amazing love for all cats under her wing.

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