at Sungei Buloh. My pal, J, called me sometime June 05 to say that they've discovered a lovely, friendly dog roaming the reserves. They named her Girl. She was very likeable but the management didn't allow her to stay on for long.
J's colleague took Girl home. The shocker came when a couple of weeks after, his auntie came back home to see Girl with 4 squirming pups in the bathroom. They didn't know all along Girl was pregnant! Unfortunately, 1 pup died few days from birth. Girl and pups was later relocated to a farm when the family could not cope.
By a queer turn of events, I met Girl for the first time (only saw her photos from Sungei Buloh) in early June when someone wrote to ASD for help to sterilise some dogs on a farm. When I went down, I found the golden female strangely familiar.
After asking the farm owner and checking with J, we realised that is indeed Girl! Unfortunately, she was not sterilised and have given birth to her 2nd litter (5 pups) 3 months back. One of her daughters, Ebony, has also given birth 1 month ago. Some pups have died and now she was then nursing 4.
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