Guppy and Discus from puppies till now. You can see Guppy trying to go for the brown female (with a male from her pack standing behind her, watching Guppy closely). Any nearer he gets, the male will fight him off. They are doing fine. Just few hours after sterilisation, they are up and running again. Well, at least now we can rest in peace that they will be fathers yet again no more.
I don't want to see".
This is what the owner of the fish farm told us when we went down on 15 June morning to bring Guppy and Discus to be sterilised.
Very 'chan ren' (cruel in mandarin) to have the dogs neutered, according to him. And these boys have been fighting the other stray boys outside the farm when the girls are on heat, coming back injured at times. I wonder how many puppies they have fathered already.
The owner has threatened to disown the boys if they are sterilised cos to him, neutered male dogs are useless. They will not guard the place and just grow fat. Ignorance...ignorance.
I actually don't understand what he meant by 'disown' cos he does not appear to 'own' these boys in any way - they had been eating dead bony fish when they were pups - a miracle they had not choked to death. They had really fishy breath though.
Then V found them one day and has been coming by daily to feed them.
So, disowning them? Hmm...
Guppy and Discus were sterilised on 15 June.
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