November 9, 2006

Update on Ming Ming - 2nd vet visit

Dear supporters of Ming Ming

Firstly THANK YOU for your caring thoughts and gesture towards Ming Ming. You make it so much easier for us to proceed with her treatment with a calmness and knowing that she is well-supported by your kindness.Ming Ming went for her 2nd visit to Pet Clinic last evening.

1. Her muzzle wound is healing well though it may forever leave a scar to remind us of that incident.
2. Blood test shows that her red blood cells are normalised at 16.6. However, her liver enzyme count is still about 2x higher than the acceptable level, which means she still cannot go for her operation yet. We'll bring her in for a 3rd blood test next Wed, hopefully her liver enzymes will be normalised, after which her operation will be scheduled.

3. Right now, her appetite is getting better. We gotta get more meat/can food to hide all her pills in! She has to take more than 10 pills and supplements each day to aid her recovery. Good thing she is not a fussy eater, and most of the time, she gobbles down the meat with pills and all!

4. With pain killers, she manages to hobble around on 3 at times, or else she mostly rests quietly in her corner, looking doleful. Her right hind leg is left unused for now, till Dr Au does the op to fix back the dislocation and remove any splintered bones.

* I'll update with photos taken at the clinic over this weekend.

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