September 21, 2007

"The truth as I see it,

just keep going, don't give up and don't give into emotion. We can't help animals with our emotions, we can with our actions.

This isn't coldness, it's determination."

Inspiring words grabbed from E. Thanks for this. Been on a little whirlpool lately. Personally. Emotionally. Socially.

And I see myself caught up in waves of emotions. If you are not careful, you allow yourself to be tumbled along, gathering more and more negativity as you slowdive downwards. You've gotta catch hold of yourself! Stop those negative thoughts that keep replaying in your mind! Shake them out! Literally, sit up straight, stand upright if you must, and SHAKE IT OFF! Shake out all those lousy thoughts.

Animals do that. After a stressful or unpleasant experience, many animals will SHAKE IT OUT. They shake off the negative energy from their entire bodies - head to tail -- shake shake shake!!

Do not dwell further than you already have. Let it go now.

Especially if you want to help a fellow brother/sister, an animal, nature, you can't give into emotions. But before that, you have gotta control your thoughts.
Cos whatever you BELIEVE is whatever you will THINK. And however you THINK is however you will FEEL.

Believe right. Think right. And your emotions and actions shall follow. Rightly.

And what should we believe in?

all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

ALL THINGS work together for GOOD. All is in Good Hands. Believe it so.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know that you manage to think out of the box. Peace be with you.

jules said...

Just had a case of such overload of emotions this weekend myself after witnessing some unwelcomed sights and facing certain obstacles. Reading what u wrote here gave voice to all my feelings and at least I do not feel so alone now. U are right, told myself this morning to shake off my emotions and think with a clear mind. As u have quoted, we cannot help with our emotions but we can with our determination and actions. Thanks...