November 1, 2008

2 years ago, the pack was

growing up on the farm. Over time, they became subject to constant abuse by some workers around that area and accidents from fast-moving huge trucks whose drivers didn't give much thought to their welfare as they sped in and out.

For those of you following through with their story, you'd know that the hostility and dangers at the farm grew to the point where relocating the pack is a necessity to keep them alive - when rocks, sticks, stones, knocks by speeding vehicles became an almost daily terror in their life.

Thus, they are now all safe at a boarding shelter while Anne is with a foster family.
The farm is non-existent now, after it folded and the workers left. From the farm to the streets to a boarding shelter.

It is time soon for each of them to experience a warm and loving home. Finally, a place to call their own.

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