May 5, 2007

Compared to other asian countries,

Singapore is sanitised.

I was travelling on the roads just now and scanning the night scene. Our streets are so clean, the landscape so neat, our buildings so orderly - almost every scene looks pre-planned. Safe. Similar. Expected.

We've got a comment from someone in Bangalore who is helping the strays over there. I didn't want to look at her blog initially cos I can just imagine what I will see. Situations in other asian countries make our strays look almost pampered.

Somehow I already know what is happening in countries like India, Thailand, Philippines ... very similar stories are being played out. Similar for the simple fact that many of their people are living in less than desirable situations.

In a country where its people are not well taken care of, so will their animals be subject to sub-standard treatment.

How can we expect a family living in poverty to care for the stray dog/cat along their street? How can we expect a man who is struggling to keep alive to spare any kind thoughts to that injured/starving mangey dog at the dumps? How should we tell a person who has no money in his pocket that he should not catch and cull a stray dog to earn a few coins?

Every single person who hurts an animal (intentionally or otherwise) is a person needing help. A person of sound mind and a full spirit will never cause harm to a fellow human being or another sentient being.

"Save the people and they will save the animals".

I've heard this wisdom preached to me and I constantly remind myself of its truth. We are not here on earth only to "Save the whales", "Save the sharks", not even "Save the dogs". Yes. This is what we are doing and what we do is understood only by those who share our heart for animals.

We feel a pull in our hearts towards these needy animals we encounter and we feel the anger and bitterness towards people who inflicted unneccesary pain on them.

It is all well and good. But as we pass our days, let us remind ourselves that the only truly lasting way we can change our world for the better - is not by saving that 1 more dog, that 1 more shark, that 1 more seal.

We are changing our world - for the better - by saving that 1 more person. By passing on kindness to 1 more human being. By opening up his/her heart and eyes to the beauty of human nature. By offering 1 more person the hope that he/she matters. That there is another better way to live. Another more peaceful way to co-exist with other living beings on earth.

Cos before you can ask a person to treat an animal kindly, you must first be able and willing to treat him kindly.

It is not that easy, I know. I myself am learning to walk the path of kindness - not only to our animals, for that will be so myopic and hypocritical - but more so towards the next human being I encounter.

For what will we gain by saving thousands of animals in our lifetime if we cannot change 1 single person's heart and bring him to our side?

The animals you care for are subject to the humans around them. If we really want a better world for the animals, let us try to make the world that little better for our needy people. I won't want to be someone who loses sight of the needs of my fellow human beings for my self-proclaimed cause of saving the animals.

A person living a fulfilled life, a person who has his needs met, a person who is fairly treated, will NOT harm another person or an animal.

Save the people and they will save the animals.


Anonymous said...

I agree and disagree with the statement of "Save the people and they will save the animals". Ideally, it should be the way....but, provided the peoples who we saved are the person that always feel contented, know how to appreciate the kindness and able to multiply the love to all living things ( it may be as small as a snail or a rat etc) fact, we can see that dogs and cats or other animals who are much better than human being in term of this aspect. ~~~gL

jingjing said...

may i have the blog address that u are talking abt at the start of the post??

Me said...

I appreciate your thoughts. I for one noticed that by constantly reminding the kids not to trouble the animals on street I was not making any headway. They saw me as an other, a spoilspoirt and definetly not a friend. So I tried befriending them. lil chit chat, some sweets, and a pat and now I notice they dont trouble animals. This worked better than all my anger of so many days directed towards them. But in a situation like ours we can wait for all humans to be content before animals can be taken care of. Trust me an adult human being so difficult to reform or make him rethink...

JK said...

Hi Jing Jing, I think you meant the Bangalore blog, here it is:

Read thru with a strong heart and great hope that positive change is possible.