May 3, 2007

Pedigree blind

There is something about what makes a dog -- a dog is a dog is a dog. Dogs, like humans, are sentient beings on all accounts of nature and nurture. We love a dog for his panting tongue, for the tail that wags in emotional response, for his fluffy, furry coat that brushes against your legs, for his doe-eyed looks, for his perked-up ears, for his whines, barks and growls... for his lying down, belly-up, in all submission to a life you HAVE in control.

A dog is a dog is a dog.

And the media are splattered with literature of dogs donning shades, in dyed fur, with painted nails, in positions 'orchestrated' by people... clamped between trees, riding on a tricycle, somersaulting in mid-air... and in all things imposed by humans.

A dog is a dog is a dog.

So look beyond the media representations of our animals, our dogs. What differencs are there between a pure breed dog couched in luxurious domesticity and a street dog rummaging rubbish for food? Have we been blind to what is intrinsically a dog? Have we been blind to their pedigrees? Blind to the tricks they performed? Their performativity in public spaces? Then again, are we even sure about what makes a dog?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, getting a dog is usually linked a lot to our egos. Its like having and parenting a child, people want a good child, a billiant child, a child that OTHER people will talk about and complement.

The same seems to go to dogs. People want dogs that are percieved to be more elite or better off than others, that people will talk about. Just like many parents, they also force their idea of how a dog should be onto the dog. It should be humanoid like, it should not smell (like a dog), it should have pretty hair and clothes. Many parents also do the same to their children, he/she must not be gay/lesbian, he/she must be intelligent, be a doctor (and not a road cleaner), etc.

Until, this ego cycle can be broken, people will always treat a dog how they want a "dog" to be, instead of how a dog should be.

Anonymous said...

Well said! Your are absolutely right. And.....Animals are animals, why those scientists want to clone them? Why they made so many experiments on our furry friends? sighhhh......gL