January 1, 2008

"Ultimately, our gift to the world

around us is HOPE.

Not blind hope that pretends everything is fine & refuses to acknowledge how things are. But the kind of hope that comes from staring pain & suffering right in the eyes & refusing to believe that this is all there is.

It is what we all need - hope that comes not from going around suffering, but from going through it.

It is in the flow of REAL LIFE, in the places that we live & move with the PEOPLE we're on the journey with, that we are reminded it is God's world and we're going to be okay.

Reclaim your innocence. Rediscover wonder & awe.

Believe that HOPE is real & we can really change the world. Reclaim our idealism & belief & confidence in the big ideas that stirs us deep in our bones.

Never stop dreaming of new ways to live lives of faith, creativity, meaning & significance.

Believe that it is really possible."

It is really possible. Blessed new year to you.

1 comment:

jules said...

Thanks for renewing Hope in me... In 2007, I lost a friend to cancer, a beloved pet to illness and other furry ones i love. I really need to continue believing and continue hoping to plod on in faith...