August 16, 2007

"The main difference between animal emotions

and human emotions is that animals don't have mixed emotions the way normal people do. Animals aren't ambivalent. They don't have love-hate relationships with each other or with people. That's one of the reasons humans love animals so much. Animals are loyal. If an animal loves you, he loves you no matter what. He doesn't care what you look like or how much money you make."

Taken from an interesting book: "ANIMALS IN TRANSLATION" by Temple Grandin, herself an autistic who uses the mysteries of autism to decode animal behaviour. Thanks L for sharing this! Very interesting read.

Can we all live with direct and open feelings like animals do? Do you even dare to? Do you find it difficult to tell someone honestly that you love them? That you dislike them? Do you dare to take in and nurse a dying animal? How honestly have we been living? Or do you still choose to hide behind an ambivalent face.

We all need the animals around us to learn to live innocently. Childlike. Forgive and forget. And to let feelings of grief go when the mourning is done. Some people live in grief which they can't let go. Maybe a part of them feels that it is disrespectful and wrong to stop grieving and start living again. It may seem noble but it is all just a warped sense of loyalty and self-pity. Grief will immobilise you. True love liberates. It frees you. Whoever is leaching onto you and suffocating you, he/she knows nothing about love.

Many times, it takes more courage to let go than to hang on.

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