August 13, 2007

Thanks N for the encouraging email,

thot I will share a short snippet here:

"....Don't give up and press on, don't worry about money (though it's a major problem) if any one of them need medical care, just do it. There are many many strays out there and if you bum into one that needs medical help it could be works of God / fate? Whether they survive or not is no longer our call as long as we do out best. If people who are kind to donate should know that life and death is not our call and no one really can tell in advance if the dog/cat will survive. Doctor can only judge with limitation. So don't hold it against yourself if they can't make it and pray that they are in a far better place...." NC.

I've been thinking about our purpose on earth. What are we meant to do in life? Why we do the things we do? And why we make the connections we make? What are we born to be in this lifetime of ours?

Was having dinner with a friend few nights back, and as we chat and dine, I ocassionally looked around at other diners, some lost in their own conversations and meal, others quite obviously there to see and be seen, and I can't help but think of the people who are living each day frivolously, without focus, without passion, not making any bit of difference to the world, to a single person or living being during their many waking hours. Many of us live just for ourselves. Nothing much else. It's a life I cannot comprehend.

But on the other hand, if we are racing about in a desperate fight to save the world, the hungry, the children with Aids, to save the whales, the seals, the dogs, the trees, the corals........and in that chase, lose sight of our very own family and loved ones, people closest to us, losing our connections and bloodline......then I would say the fight is not worth it.

Do not fall under the trap of losing ourselves while fighting for others. If we do, we will wake up one day and realise how myopic and misdirected we have been. Everything starts from home. From the place closest to your heart. If there is chaos in your family, settle that first. Make peace. Then whatever you accomplish for the world will be worthwhile. And you yourself will know that instinctively.

This is my personal opinion.


Anonymous said...

Charity starts from home. To enable us to help others we definately needs the support of our family members. Of course we also have to use our own judgement as our family members might not be into helping helpless animals like us. If this happens we have to find the balance.

Mom thinks that I bring home too many cats. She helps when I am at work but not supportive that I keep them all. But when I see her pick one up and sayang them, I know she love them too (that is, when they dont bite her plant :)

Anonymous said...

Your spirit is everyone else's motivation.
