October 24, 2007

The AVA just went down to

Mama Girl's farm. Again.

2 vans this time with 6 Malay dog catchers. The vans drove up into the farm and the dog catchers stepped out, ready with long cables to loop any unsuspecting dog.

Fortunately, one of the farm workers is there and he immediately called V and demanded the dogcatchers to stop and talk to V first. They kept silent and then decided to leave.

Mama Girl's pack are safe for one more day. Unfortunately, I am quite certain some others around the other farms are not.

* We have prepared the necessary paperwork for extra licences for Mama Girl's pack. Will make our appointment to seek approval.


jules said...

Just curious and would like to ask if AVA often goes round "shopping" for stray dogs even if there have been no complaints? I really wonder why their workers cannot be put to better use rather than catching and killing animals...

Anonymous said...

We need to lodge an official complaint against AVA. This is consider trespassing - entering someone's premise without permission and taking dogs from the place is deemed as stealing. They have no authority to take anything from any private place. We should not allow such behaviour to continue. Totally irrespectful of another person's rights.

Anonymous said...

If only AVA would put their resources to better use by raiding the puppy mills instead, and putting an end to all those puppy mills.

Normally, if there're no complaints, they wouldn't go 'shopping' for strays, more than three quarts of the times they go about making their rounds because somebody complained. And they don't seem to spare the sterilised ones either.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. They should just put themselves to better use. Like going round to big houses within our island, and 'educate' people on better treatment of their dogs! What are their animal welfare officers? Other than spot checking on pet shops and doing lots of paper work,what else are they actually doing?!


Anonymous said...

What is the objective of AVA? Is it animals-welfare orientated or animal-less orientated organization? I am puzzled about it.....

Anonymous said...

AVA needs to do something because they r being paid but if they close down puppy mills, they wont be paid by the petshops who have to approval and licenses to sell from them first. so to justify the $ they receive they go after strays. its money making sense..just not very right unfortunately=/ very sad...