October 26, 2007

"Undoubtedly there are differences,

since humans and animals are not the same in all respects.

But the question of sameness wears another face.

Granted these animals do not have all the desires that we humans have.
Granted that they do not comprehend everything we humans comprehend.
Nevertheless, we and they do have some of the same desires.
And do comprehend some of the same things.

Desires for food, water, shelter and companionship.
Freedom of movement.
And avoidance of pain.

These desires are shared by non-humans and human beings. Beneath the many differences, there is sameness.

Like us, they are not only in the world. They are aware of it."

This is a very poignant film that I have not decided to finish watching yet. For things I know I shall see which reside in my consciousness even without watching them. Thanks S for sharing this.



Anonymous said...

Gritted my teeth and watched the whole video. Was tearing like no tomorrow, and I'm seriously considering to be a vegan now.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

it is a horribly sad video isnt it?my heart ached and i teared when i watched...sadly..this is the truth...=( and only we have the ability to do something about it..