August 11, 2006

I am very sorry...

Ebony chose to pass on, lying peacefully next to her own family.

On 14 June, we brought Ebony to the vet as she was very listless and very thin. She was diagnosed as suffering from tick fever and put on medication. She became more active after a few days, but her appetite just wasn't too good. So we brought her nutripet as a booster.

Monday evening, V called me. Ebony was nowhere to be found. I had a foreboding but still I held my hopes high that Ebony is on her way to recovery. That soon she will be romping with her pups.

V went down again on Tueaday evening. She called me while I was on the train back. Her 'very sad..." prepared me for the bad news.

Ebony came out from hiding yesterday morning and made her way to her pups. She was lying right next to them when the uncles came in.

She chose to die next to her family.

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