August 11, 2006

SPCA says:

In Singapore, cruelty to animals and abandonment of any animal is a crime. Under the Animals and Birds Act, anyone found guilty of such an offence can be jailed up to one year, fined up to $10,000 or both.

The SPCA does not have enforcement powers to take action in cases of cruelty. It will, however, investigate any reports of alleged cruelty. If necessary, the case will be referred to the relevant authorities for further action.

The Wild Animals and Birds Act prohibits the taking of any animal or birds (except the mynah, pigeon and house crow) from the wild.

When you observe an act of animal abuse – whether deliberate or unintentional, please call the SPCA. All complaints are kept confidential. However, if you are a witness to an extreme act of abuse, you should inform the SPCA, make a police report and be prepared to testify in court. Without the testimony of the witness, no action can be taken.

Let others know how you feel. Support the SPCA. Express your disapproval. Animal abuse is not just unacceptable. It reflects a lack of respect for life itself.

However, the tricky part comes when ABUSE takes a more subtle form of NEGLECT.

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